Improve Your Agents’ Performance With Our Call Recording Technology
Call Recorder
Listen to and monitor customer calls to improve coaching and guidance
When an agent is struggling with a caller, one of the most effective ways for the agent to receive guidance and to learn from the experience is to go through a call playback with a manager. Seasoned supervisors can coach an agent on how to better handle a problem in the future, and they can provide tips to increase customer satisfaction.
The Vuesion® Call Recorder is specifically designed for playback. We’ve built-in enhanced features, which include:

Improve Security Measures
With Call Recording
An added benefit of using the Vuesion Call Recorder is an improvement in your call center’s security measures, used in conjunction with the Vuesion UC console, emergency numbers, and other predefined numbers are automatically recorded, and the system sends an immediate notification to authorized personnel.
Discover Customer Trends by
Listening to Calls
Reviewing calls from call recording playback improves how managers coach customer service agents, and it also helps management spot trends in customer behavior, identify frequently asked questions, and structure workflow to respond to customer issues that come up.